For cost reimbursement type awards, the Federal Government is very specific about how a company conducts and records their business transactions.  The government is merely trying to protect itself from paying for excessive goods and labor that are not related to or not necessary for the goods and services being procured.  For some agencies, the government will also send a government auditor, usually from the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), to verify that the contractor's business is set up and operating to these regulations.  The DCAA follows the requirements of the DCAA Contract Audit Manual (CAM) to perform all audits.  Click here to see the DCAA Contract Audit Manual.



For Contractors facing a pending DCAA Audit, or those concerned that their system will not pass  a DCAA Accounting System Audit, ReliAscent offers full Mock DCAA Audits.  These differ from a basic QuickBooks or Accounting System File Review, in which our experts make a quick, top-level review of the structure of your accounting system.  In a Mock DCAA Audit, our expert Account Executives will review your entire system (often on-site, at your facility), and work closely with your HR and Accounting Department to verify DCAA-Compliance.  The confidence level of doing an on-site review is always higher than doing a remote review since ReliAscent is somewhat limited in what they can review when conducting this review remotely.  A report of findings will be provided.  ReliAscent could be employed to help fix any deficiencies if the company desires.

 To request your Mock DCAA Audit, complete the form on the right, and one of our experts will be in touch shortly.

For immediate assistance, call us today to discuss the specifics of your situation and get a quote for a system review or a mock audit.