Annual Budgets are Not Enough. You Need GovCon Financial Planning.


You’ve poured your life into developing your product or technology. You finally won and negotiated your contract, drafted a budget, and things are good to go, right?

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Outsourced CFO Services for Government Contractors

Negotiating an SBIR/STTR Phase II Budget

When negotiating an SBIR/STTR Phase II budget, grant, and/or contract, it is critical that a small business prepare themselves by understanding the process, doing their research, having the proper...

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SBIR Phase II Budget Negotiations

Managing in an SBIR/STTR Phase II Environment


Perhaps the greatest factor that affects the SBIR/STTR Phase II regulatory environment is the particular agency you’re focused on. It can be hard enough if you are pursuing Research and Development (R&D)...

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Managing an SBIR/STTR Award

ReliAscent's Quick Guide to Incurred Cost Proposals

ReliAscent® would like to remind all government contractors that if you had a Cost Reimbursable type contract in 2023, your Incurred Cost Proposal / DCAA ICE Submission is due 6 months after the end of...

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When is a DCAA Audit Required?


There’s a standard quip in government contracting circles: “75% of the Earth is covered in water – the rest is covered by auditors.”

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When is a DCAA Audit Required?

Four Common Myths Defense Contractors Hear about the R&D Tax Credit

The following post is the first guest blog from one of our new partners in 2024, Hull & Knarr LLP, written by Business Development Manager, John Berry. Stay tuned for more blogs from John, as well as...

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R&D Credit myths Defense Contractors Hear

All Eyes on Congress as Bill Could Halt R&D Amortization in IRS 174


Government Contractors and SBIR/STTR awardees are holding their collective breath as Congress considers tax legislation that would immediately halt the devastating R&D Amortization requirement from the...

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IRS Section 174 R&D Amortization

Congress Must Act Before IRS Sec. 174 Destroys Economy and Businesses


As readers of our blog and most small business government contractors likely know by now, the IRS proposed new guidelines for Section 174, the consequences of which will devastate our economy and stop...

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IRS Section 174 will devastate economy, destroy businesses and SBIR program