Negotiating an SBIR/STTR Phase II Budget

When negotiating an SBIR/STTR Phase II budget, grant, and/or contract, it is critical that a small business prepare themselves by understanding the process, doing their research, having the proper...

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SBIR Phase II Budget Negotiations

Managing in an SBIR/STTR Phase II Environment


Perhaps the greatest factor that affects the SBIR/STTR Phase II regulatory environment is the particular agency you’re focused on. It can be hard enough if you are pursuing Research and Development (R&D)...

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Managing an SBIR/STTR Award

When is a DCAA Audit Required?


There’s a standard quip in government contracting circles: “75% of the Earth is covered in water – the rest is covered by auditors.”

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When is a DCAA Audit Required?

What Indirect Rates Should I Bid For SBIR/STTR Phase I and II?

The first step in the budget process is to find out where indirect rates are reflected on a budget form. Budget forms vary greatly between agencies. Grant agencies either use the SF424 budget form on...

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SBIR Indirect Rates

PBR – It May Not Be What You Think


Provisional Billing Rates (PBR)

The evolutional growth of a government contractor and some grantees includes a steady avalanche of regulatory hurdles along with their companion acronyms. One such acronym...

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Provisional Billing Rates

Preparing a Government Contract Cost Proposal


In the world of government contracting, the pricing of a proposal can be the section of the proposal taken too lightly by many bidders. Here at ReliAscent, one of the most difficult things to see is a...

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An Introduction to Government Property Management


While government contract accounting certainly presents its share of challenges, contractors should not overlook the government property clause at FAR 52.245-1. Depending on your contract type and...

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DCMA compliance
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