While government contract accounting certainly presents its share of challenges, contractors should not overlook the government property clause at FAR 52.245-1. Depending on your contract type and...

Dave Donley on
While government contract accounting certainly presents its share of challenges, contractors should not overlook the government property clause at FAR 52.245-1. Depending on your contract type and...
The answer to this question depends on your perspective as either a government acquisition/grant professional or a government contractor or grantee. Negotiating or directing capped indirect rates on cost...
At ReliAscent, we routinely see contractors and grantees that have submitted indirect rates that don’t adequately reflect their operations, don’t align with their accounting systems, and frustrate their...
With apologies to the 1970’s Motown hit, one of the most common questions we get at ReliAscent® surrounds development and utility of indirect cost rates....
The DOE has just released its next round of topics for the FY2019 SBIR Phase I solicitation. Grant limits are a bit higher at $200,000 along with an increase of Commercial Assistance allowance to $6,500....
Dave Donley on
The bulk of what the DoD buys in the research and development (R&D) realm complies with customary processes surrounding competition, cost and pricing, and reams of regulations covering everything from...