Indirect Rates FAQ


The Olympic Games (including this year’s summer games in Paris) provide the perfect analogy for anyone unfamiliar with indirect rates. While most of us are familiar with the game and rules surrounding...

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Indirect Rates FAQ

A Different Approach to IRS Section 174 for SBIR Awardees


Earlier this week, ReliAscent® posted a guest blog from one of our partners on how SBIR/STTR awardees can minimize the impact of the R&D amortization requirement in IRS Section 174. However, there are...

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IRS 174 and R&D Amortization

IRS Section 174 and SBIR/STTR Awards

With the September and October 15 tax (extension) deadlines looming, now is a critical time for SBIR/STTR awardees to determine if their contracts are subject to IRS sections 41 and 174 (if they have not...

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IRS Section 174 and SBIR/STTR Awards

ReliAscent's Quick Guide to G&A Rates


“What’s a good G&A rate?” At ReliAscent, we are frequently asked this question...

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Quick Guide to G&A Rates

SBIR/STTR FAQ Part 3 - Taxes, Compensation, Timekeeping

We get a lot of great questions from small business owners each week, and some of the most common issues that come up during an SBIR Phase I are related to Timekeeping, Compensation/Payroll, and Tax...

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SBIR Compliance FAQ - Taxes, Compensation, Timekeeping

Annual Budgets are Not Enough. You Need GovCon Financial Planning.


You’ve poured your life into developing your product or technology. You finally won and negotiated your contract, drafted a budget, and things are good to go, right?

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Outsourced CFO Services for Government Contractors

Negotiating an SBIR/STTR Phase II Budget

When negotiating an SBIR/STTR Phase II budget, grant, and/or contract, it is critical that a small business prepare themselves by understanding the process, doing their research, having the proper...

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SBIR Phase II Budget Negotiations

Managing in an SBIR/STTR Phase II Environment


Perhaps the greatest factor that affects the SBIR/STTR Phase II regulatory environment is the particular agency you’re focused on. It can be hard enough if you are pursuing Research and Development (R&D)...

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Managing an SBIR/STTR Award

ReliAscent's Quick Guide to Incurred Cost Proposals

ReliAscent® would like to remind all government contractors that if you had a Cost Reimbursable type contract in 2023, your Incurred Cost Proposal / DCAA ICE Submission is due 6 months after the end of...

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When is a DCAA Audit Required?


There’s a standard quip in government contracting circles: “75% of the Earth is covered in water – the rest is covered by auditors.”

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When is a DCAA Audit Required?

Four Common Myths Defense Contractors Hear about the R&D Tax Credit

The following post is the first guest blog from one of our new partners in 2024, Hull & Knarr LLP, written by Business Development Manager, John Berry. Stay tuned for more blogs from John, as well as...

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R&D Credit myths Defense Contractors Hear

All Eyes on Congress as Bill Could Halt R&D Amortization in IRS 174


Government Contractors and SBIR/STTR awardees are holding their collective breath as Congress considers tax legislation that would immediately halt the devastating R&D Amortization requirement from the...

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IRS Section 174 R&D Amortization

Congress Must Act Before IRS Sec. 174 Destroys Economy and Businesses


As readers of our blog and most small business government contractors likely know by now, the IRS proposed new guidelines for Section 174, the consequences of which will devastate our economy and stop...

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IRS Section 174 will devastate economy, destroy businesses and SBIR program

NOW is the Best Time to Discuss DCAA Accounting System Setup

2024 may only be nine weeks away, but Q4 is always the best time to begin discussing setting up a DCAA Compliant Accounting System with ReliAscent®. Whether you need a compliant system for the first time,...

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January 1st is the best time to setup a DCAA compliant accounting system

IRS Section 174 Threatens Government Contractors and the SBIR Program


As you may or may not know, the IRS has proposed new guidelines for Section 174. In very basic terms, the enforcement of these guidelines directs all businesses to capitalize any Research and Development...

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IRS section 174 threatens SBIR program and thousands of small businesses

Year-End Planning for Small Business Government Contractors

Believe it not, the fourth quarter is almost upon us, and all small businesses should be thinking about a few key things before year-end. Setting aside time to do some simple planning can make a world of...

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Year End Planning for Government Contractors

Tips to improve your SBIR proposal for Department of Defense Funding

The following post was contributed by Fedsprout, the newest addition to ReliAscent’s Partnership Network. Fedsprout is a nationwide consulting firm providing proposal writing and strategy services to...

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SBIR Proposal Writing Tips and Support

Why Does a Team Matter?  |  How the Account Executive Positions Your Business for Success

At ReliAscent®, we often emphasize that “it takes more than just an accounting firm to stay compliant and successful” in the govcon industry.

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Outsourced government contract accounting

FAR Adds TikTok Clause


With all of the controversy surrounding TikTok and it's Chinese parent company, ByteDance Ltd., it is no surprise that the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) recently added a new clause specifically...

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FAR adds TikTok clause

SBIR Compliance FAQ Part 2 – Consultants, 1099’s & Subs, Accounting & Timekeeping


Welcome to our second installment of our newest Blog Series, “SBIR & DCAA Compliance FAQ,” where we answer common questions about DCAA and SBIR compliance requirements, and contract & grant management...

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SBIR Compliance FAQ - Consultants vs 1099's vs Subcontractors

Incurred Cost Proposal Overview & FAQ for Contractors

With Incurred Cost Proposals due to the DCAA by the end of June (for most government contractors that had a cost type contract in 2022), now is a great time to provide a general overview and FAQ for small...

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Incurred Cost Proposal FAQ and Overview

Incurred Cost Proposal Reminder

ReliAscent® would like to remind all government contractors that if you had a Cost Reimbursable type contract in 2022, your Incurred Cost Proposal / DCAA ICE Submission is due 6 months after the end of...

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Incurred Cost Proposals

What Indirect Rates Should I Bid For SBIR/STTR Phase I and II?

The first step in the budget process is to find out where indirect rates are reflected on a budget form. Budget forms vary greatly between agencies. Grant agencies either use the SF424 budget form on...

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SBIR Indirect Rates

Provisional Billing Rates & Calculating Indirect Rates for SBIR Proposals

Have you ever wondered what to put for your indirect rates in a proposal, or how to get monthly invoices approved on your new SBIR Phase II CPFF contract? The answer is Provisional Billing Rates, or PBRs...

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Calculating SBIR Phase II Indirect Rates (Provisional Billing Rates)

SBIR Compliance FAQ Part 1 - Salaries, Indirect Rates, and Accounting

We get a lot of great questions from small business owners every week, and some of the most common surround issues that come up during an SBIR Phase I, and especially as a contractor or grantee...

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SBIR Compliance FAQ - Salaries, Indirect Rates, Accounting Systems

Focus on What You do Best - Let ReliAscent® Handle the Rest


In the Government Contracting Industry, many accounting firms have a bad habit when it comes to serving their clients: keeping a few highly experienced CPAs at the top (that you have limited access to—for...

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Focus on what you do best - ReliAscent

How to Make QuickBooks DCAA Compliant


One of the most common questions small businesses ask when entering into the government contracting world is: “Is QuickBooks DCAA compliant?”

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DCAA Compliant QuickBooks

House Reauthorizes SBIR/STTR Program at Last Minute - Sets New Rules


Just one day before the program was set to expire, lawmakers in the House of Representatives, following the lead of the Senate, voted to extend the critically important SBIR/STTR program for another 3...

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SBIR-STTR Reauthorization 2023

Government Contractor IP Conference with Martensen IP Law & ReliAscent

The ReliAscent® Team is thrilled to announce an upcoming one-day conference on Intellectual Property Rights for SBIR/STTR Winners and Federal Government Contractors, hosted by our partnering law firm,...

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SBIR-STTR Intellectual Property Rights Conference

Government Contract Change Orders

What happens when you bid a contract and win it, but get into the performance phase and find out that a critical item was severely underbid? This happens far more often than most people realize, and given...

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Government Contract Change Order

ReliAscent Releases our Quick Guide to Government Contract Management

ReliAscent® is proud to announce the release of our latest resource for small business government contractors:

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Government Contract Management Guide

CMMC 1.0 vs CMMC 2.0

The following blog is the first from our latest partner, Atomus Corp.  Atomus helps small and medium sized businesses comply with defense industrial base specific cybersecurity requirements such as NIST...

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CMMC 2.0 vs 1.0 cybersecurity compliance

Government Contract & Grant Closeout


At the end of an award, the Federal Government has processes to make sure its contractors and grantees have complied with requirements, including clauses and referenced requirements contained within these...

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Government Contract Closeout

GovComply™ - An ERP System That Actually Scales


Being a government contractor can sometimes feel like you are a prospector in the gold rush. It can be boom or bust on what seems like a daily basis. In today’s subscription based software world, you can...

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GovComply DCAA Compliant ERP System

Subcontracting – Flow Down Federal Government Terms and Conditions

When contracting with the federal government, a significant field of responsibility for a government contractor is contracting with vendors, specifically subcontracting with vendors.

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subcontracting flow down terms and conditions for government contractors

ReliAscent Releases new Product for Government Contractors: GovComply™


ReliAscent® is proud to announce the official rollout of our GovComply™ platform, powered by DigiSoft Solutions™. GovComply™ integrates with our DCAA compliant QuickBooks® Enterprise platform and provides...

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DCAA compliant accounting software govcomply

PBR – It May Not Be What You Think


Provisional Billing Rates (PBR)

The evolutional growth of a government contractor and some grantees includes a steady avalanche of regulatory hurdles along with their companion acronyms. One such acronym...

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Provisional Billing Rates

Strange Bedfellows: IP Rights and Accounting in SBIR/STTR Grants


The Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs (referred collectively hereafter as SBIR) directly target small innovative companies to participate in...

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SBIR Accounting and IP Rights

Managing the Risks and Performance of Government Contracts and Grants

The administration of federal government awards starts with signing the contract by both parties, or the acceptance of a grant by a grantee. Government Contract Administration is the fulfilling of the...

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Government Contract Management Risks

Boeing & Lockheed's SBIR Topics of Interest


As many government contractors may already know, the U.S. Department of Defense pre-released their SBIR/STTR FY21.3/C solicitation topics on August 25th. What you may not know, is that both Boeing and...

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Free DCAA Compliance Reviews


As a small business government contractor or grantee, do you know whether or not your accounting system (not just your software) is DCAA compliant? Are you confident you would pass an audit from the DCAA...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding DCAA Compliance and Time Tracking


*The following post was contributed by Hour Timesheet's Debbie Sabin, as part of ReliAscent's Partnership Network Guest Blog Series. 

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DCAA compliant timekeeping

Outsourcing Works and the Pandemic Proves It

Both small and large companies across the country are learning that outsourcing certain tasks makes a lot of sense these days. With COVID came the realization that entire segments of our economy and many...

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Contract Negotiations with the Federal Government

Preface: This blog is intended for companies that do not have extensive experience with Federal Government contracting. It is written for contracts. Grants are not covered, as grant negotiations include...

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Government Contract Negotiations

What are TABA Funds and Why Should I be Interested


I have had quite a few questions recently on Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) funds related to what they are, why they might be used for and who can apply for them. First of all TABA stands for...

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Introduction to Government Contract Management Part II - The Proposal

The Contract Management and Administration function is critical to the success of any government contractor, both large and small. The Contract Manager (“CM”) is responsible for “the business” aspect of...

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Typical DCAA Audits and What They Mean to Your Small Business


In a previous blog we examined, from a very top level, what it means when someone says they have had a DCAA audit. In that blog we explored the 4 major groups that the DCAA classifies audits, the number...

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DCAA Audit Types Explained

Applying for PPP Loan Forgiveness on Loans Over $2 Million

Many companies applied for PPP Loans last year, and many of those companies were government contractors. For loans under $150,000, the forgiveness application is pretty basic. In most cases, you don’t...

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Introduction to Government Contract Management - Part I: The RFP Review

The Contract Management and Administration function is critical to the success of any government contractor, both large and small. The Contract Manager (“CM”) is responsible for “the business” aspect of...

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Government Contract Management

What does it mean when someone says "I've had a DCAA Audit"?


Many times when I talk with prospective clients I ask them if they have a DCAA compliant accounting system. Many times they say "I have a compliant accounting system because I've had a DCAA audit". Well,...

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Government Contract Reviews and the SF 26: Protecting Your Business

There is a LOT of information in a Department of Defense contract (and most Government contracts and grants, for that matter). So, how do you know what you are signing up for when you’ve been handed a...

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Government Contract Reviews

DoD Reopens SBIR/STTR 2021.1/A For Proposal Submission


The Department of Defense has reopened the SBIR/STTR 2021.1/A SBIR/STTR BAA for proposal submission through March 4.  Full proposals  must be submitted and certified in the Defense SBIR/STTR Innovation...

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Government Contract Management Expertise is Critical in Unpredictable Times

Many questions can keep government contractors awake at night: "why am I losing money on this contract," “ will I be able to deliver on time,” or “ what happens if my contract is terminated?

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Government Contract Management

The Top 5 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Government Contracting Accounting


Recently there has been a trend in the business world to outsource certain business functions in order to make a more efficient operation and/or save cost of operation. In years past there was little...

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Colorado PTAC SBIR/STTR Event Reminder


Reminder to Colorado-based Small Businesses working with the Federal Government, or interested in pursuing government contracts & grants:

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Colorado PTAC SBIR/STTR Event - January 20th


Has your business been considering submitting a proposal for a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant or contract? Maybe you already have in the past,...

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DoD SBIR/STTR 21.1/A Pre-Release Begins Today


The Department of Defense's Small Business and Technology Partnerships Office just announced the pre-release of the following Broad Agency Announcements (BAA's):

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NSF Phase II SBIR/STTR Financial & Accounting System Requirements


Small Businesses pursuing non-dilutive funding through the National Science Foundation's SBIR/STTR program must pass a financial review prior to receiving a Phase II award. This is known as a Financial...

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NSF SBIR Accounting

Indirect Rates Resources for Government Contractors


Some of the most common questions we get from Government Contractors and Grantees at ReliAscent surround the development and utility of indirect rates.  How are they calculated? Why are they so important?...

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Outsourcing Low ROI Tasks Makes More Sense Than Ever Before

The last six months have taught us a lot in business. But, now more than ever, might be the best time to outsource low ROI activities like government compliant accounting and contract administration and...

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ReliAscent Client Success Story: Flextrapower’s Antiviral Graphene Masks


In this, the first of a new series highlighting the successes and unique technologies of our incredible clients, ReliAscent has the pleasure of introducing Flextrapower, and their truly unique...

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After COVID, Can you Afford Not to Outsource DCAA Compliant Accounting?

There are several things to consider when a small business contemplates outsourcing its government contract accounting work. One consideration is the cost and experience of the people to do the work....

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ReliAscent® Wants Your Feedback!

ReliAscent® will soon be releasing a powerful new software tool and integrating it into our DCAA compliant accounting system platform as an optional feature available to clients. This tool, when combined...

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Does your Accounting Department Help you Succeed?


In the depths of a pandemic and resulting massive economic upheaval across our country and the globe, government contractors and grantees are focused more than ever on simply staying afloat; keeping the...

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Positives from the COVID-19 Pandemic

As we have all seen from the happenings of this strange year in 2020, there are a number of negative effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives, and millions...

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Changes in the Wind at the DCAA


There have been some shifts in policy at the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) over the last couple of years that are starting to be evident to the outside world.  The FY 2018 National Defense...

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DCAA changes coming

Accounting Firms are a Dime a Dozen...

Between direct contract work, deadlines, compliance issues, and trying to stay afloat during a pandemic, contractors and grantees have enough on their plates just trying to keep the lights on. And sure,...

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Helping Government Contractors Through the Pandemic and Beyond

ReliAscent is open, resilient, and here to help your business navigate dangerous waters during these difficult times. 

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Using the FAR to Protect your Contract During a Pandemic

What protection do you have from delays caused by the COVID-19 virus in your federal contract?   How can you assure you are paid as rapidly as possible during this difficult time? 

These are only some of...

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Cost and Pricing Data Explained


A little history for government contractors: the DCAA tripled the number of Defective Pricing Audits in FY 2020, once their extensive backlog of Incurred Cost Audits had finally been eliminated in 2019....

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Certified Cost and Pricing Data

Time to Consider Outsourcing Your Government Contract Accounting?

As a Federal Government Contractor or Grantee, do you find yourself struggling with FAR & DCAA compliance requirements? Do you often worry if you will make a profit on your contract or grant, or if you...

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Not Sure if Your Accounting System is Compliant? Consider a Mock Audit


"Is my accounting system DCAA Compliant?" Usually, small businesses don’t ask themselves this question without an external prompt. That prompt usually comes from either the government itself or a...

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Preparing a Government Contract Cost Proposal


In the world of government contracting, the pricing of a proposal can be the section of the proposal taken too lightly by many bidders. Here at ReliAscent, one of the most difficult things to see is a...

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DoD SBIR/STTR 2019.3/C BAA Open for Proposal Submission Today


ReliAscent would like to remind all small business government contractors that the DOD SBIR/STTR 2019.3/C Broad Agency Announcements (BAA) are now open for proposal submission!

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ReliAscent Partner Podcast: A Pathway For Scaling Your GovCon Business


ReliAscent is excited to announce that our CEO, Mike Anderson, will be featured in an upcoming podcast, hosted by Shirley Collier, President of our partnering company, Scale2Market, LLC, on Wednesday,...

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Government Contractors Deserve more than Just an Accounting Firm


Small Business Government Contractors and Grantees have enough on their plates just trying to keep the lights on, grow the business, and make a profit. In many cases, outsourcing certain functions like...

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Navy's New OTA an Opportunity for Small Business Defense Contractors

Small Business Defense Contractors specializing in areas from cyber security, to digital engineering, sensor, unmanned, and warfare systems, have an opportunity to join the Naval Surface Technology and...

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DoD SBIR/STTR 2019.3/C BAA - Topic Pre-Release Today


The Department of Defense's SBIR/STTR 19.3/C BAA Announcements are now Available!

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What do I do if My Contract is Terminated for Convenience?

Many in the government contracting world will remember the Federal Government's "Super Committee" working to slash spending from the budget, and other Federal Agencies scrambling to identify ways to slash...

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An Introduction to Government Property Management


While government contract accounting certainly presents its share of challenges, contractors should not overlook the government property clause at FAR 52.245-1. Depending on your contract type and...

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DCMA compliance
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Is Your Accounting System DCAA Compliant?  Get a FREE DCAA Compliance Review from ReliAscent

Does your small business contract with the Department of Defense or NASA? If so, and it has been several years since your last DCAA audit, how do you know whether or not your accounting system (not just...

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Upcoming Webinar for 8(a) Contractors: Managing Growth


ReliAscent is excited to announce a partnership with Gabriel Enterprises Consulting Group.  Gabriel will be providing a webinar for Federal Government 8(a) Contractors, “Managing Growth.” This webinar is...

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Is it Time to Consider Outsourcing Your Government Contract Accounting?


Do you find yourself struggling with FAR & DCAA compliance requirements, worrying if you will make a profit on a government contract or grant, or barely staying profitable each yearyet you already have...

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NSF 2019 SBIR/STTR Phase I Closes Tomorrow


ReliAscent would like to remind all Small Businesses planning to submit a proposal for the NSF's SBIR/STTR 2019 Phase I solicitation, that the deadline to submit your applications is tomorrow, June 13th,...

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Capped Indirect Rates - Friend or Foe?


The answer to this question depends on your perspective as either a government acquisition/grant professional or a government contractor or grantee. Negotiating or directing capped indirect rates on cost...

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Indirect Rates Models for Government Contracts & Grants - Are You Using the Right One?


At ReliAscent, we routinely see contractors and grantees that have submitted indirect rates that don’t adequately reflect their operations, don’t align with their accounting systems, and frustrate their...

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An Introduction to Indirect Rates for Government Contractors


Indirect Rates, Huh? What are They Good For?

With apologies to the 1970’s Motown hit, one of the most common questions we get at ReliAscent® surrounds development and utility of indirect cost rates....

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Indirect Rates

It's May 15th. Have You Started Your Incurred Cost Proposal Yet?

If your Small Business had a Cost Reimbursable type contract in 2018, yourIncurred Cost Proposal / ICE Submissionis due 6 months after the end of your FY (per FAR 52.216-7).

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Free QuickBooks DCAA Compliance Reviews for Government Contractors

If your small business contracts with the Department of Defense and it has been several years since your last DCAA audit, how do you know whether or not your accounting system (not just your software), is...

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Success in Government Contracting – It’s More Than Just Direct Work

Most small business government contractors and grantees are understandably focused on things like their direct work, avoiding a DCAA audit, or just delivering product &/or CDRL’s. Running a successful,...

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DCAA ICE Submission Due Date Approaching

ReliAscent would like to remind contractors that if you had a Cost Reimbursable type contract in 2018, your Incurred Cost Proposal / ICE Submission is due 6 months after the end of your FY (per FAR...

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Visit ReliAscent at: "A Day With the DCAA & DCMA - Understanding Government Contract Compliance" (Colorado Springs, CO)


ReliAscent would like to invite all Small Business, Colorado Defense Contractors to attend an event hosted by the NDIA and Colorado PTAC, in Colorado Springs, tomorrow. We encourage you to bring questions...

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DCAA Compliant Accounting System Requirements - Understanding the SF1408


When a Small Business contracts with the Department of Defense, NASA, or the Department of Homeland Security (and potentially other agencies), they are often required to have a DCAA compliant accounting...

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DCAA Accounting System Requirements

DCAA Compliance for Small Businesses

Many small businesses come to us with the question of “what do I need to do to have an accounting system that is DCAA compliant”? That is a good question, and somewhat complicated for a small business....

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ReliAscent Releases our First White Paper of 2019: "Capped Indirect Rates - Friend or Foe?"


ReliAscent® is proud to announce the release of our first white paper of 2019, written by our own Account Executive, Dave Donley. This paper explores Capped Indirect Rates, and was recently featured in...

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ReliAscent Releases our first Newsletter of 2019


ReliAscent® is happy to announce the release of our first newsletter of 2019!

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Why Right Now is the Best Time to Submit Your 2019 Billing Rate Proposal (“BRP”)


Contractors with cost-plus fixed fee contracts always feel the squeeze of submitting their current year budgeted billing rates within 90 days of the close of their fiscal year end. While using your 2018...

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DoD SBIR/STTR 2019.1/A BAA Pre-Release


The Department of Defense SBIR/STTR 19.1/A Broad Agency Announcements (BAA) were pre-released yesterday on the DOD SBIR/STTR Small Business Portal. During the pre-release period, contractors may now view...

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Department of Energy SBIR Phase I FY2019 Release 2 Topics Now Available


The DOE has just released its next round of topics for the FY2019 SBIR Phase I solicitation. Grant limits are a bit higher at $200,000 along with an increase of Commercial Assistance allowance to $6,500....

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DoD SBIR/STTR 2018.3/C Closes Tomorrow (10/24)


ReliAscent would like to remind all Small Business Federal Contractors that the DoD's SBIR/STTR 2018.3/C BAA closes to proposal submission tomorrow, Wednesday October 24th, at 8 PM ET. As always, we...

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Free QuickBooks DCAA Compliance Review

Government Contractors: do you know if your accounting system is DCAA compliant?  When was the last time it was audited? Has it been properly maintained since?

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Successful Government Contractors Need More Than Just An Accounting Firm...

As a small business government contractor, what keeps you awake most nights?  While most would understandably answer, "winning that next contract," “making a profit,” or “avoiding a DCAA audit,” for many...

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Are You Properly Managing Your Indirect Rates?


In the world of government contracting, a company's indirect rates are absolutely critical in managing costs effectively and ensuring the business remains profitable. However, your indirect rate structure...

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New ReliAscent White Paper - Cost and Pricing Data Explained


Yesterday, ReliAscent released our latest white paper, "Cost and Pricing Data Explained," written by our own, Dave Donley. This paper covers the basics of cost and pricing data, as well as some techniques...

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ReliAscent® Newsletter Released - The National Defense Authorization Act and More


ReliAscent® is happy to announce the release of our first newsletter of 2018!

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New Funding Opportunity for Small Business from the US ARMY


The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA(ALT)) is announcing the Army Expeditionary Technology Search – xTechSearch – to be featured at the Association of the...

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Other Transaction Authority (OTA) – Is it Worth it?


The bulk of what the DoD buys in the research and development (R&D) realm complies with customary processes surrounding competition, cost and pricing, and reams of regulations covering everything from...

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Other Transactional Authority (OTA)

New SAM Registration Requirement for Federal Contractors & Grantees


In case you hadn't heard, we wanted to notify all of our clients of news and a new requirement coming out of the GSA for all Federal Contractors and Grantees:

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Government Contractors Need More Than "Just an Accounting Firm"


When you decide that you need expert help in Government Contracting, what do you look for in a partner? Do you want someone with experience running a small business like yours? Does the depth and breadth...

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DoD SBIR/STTR 2018.2/B Open for Submissions


The DoD SBIR/STTR 18.2/B BAA's are Now Open for Proposal Submission.

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ReliAscent Seminar: "Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 101 – Quick Tour and Key Clauses"


ReliAscent would like to remind all Colorado-based Federal Government Contractors and Grantees that our latest contracting compliance seminar is this Thursday:

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Are Your Indirect Rates Helping or Hurting Your Business?

Have Contracts But Still Losing Money? It May Be Time to Review Your Indirect Rates

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ReliAscent Seminar at Colorado PTAC - "FAR 101 – Quick Tour and Key Clauses"


ReliAscent AE, Dave Donley, and the CEO of Palmetier Law, Karri Palmetier,will be presenting a seminar at the Aurora Office of the Colorado Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), on March 22nd,...

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NIH Salary Limitation for 2018 Just Released


Since 1990, the NIH, through annual funding from Congress, and more recently continuing resolutions, sets salary limitations for individuals having NIH grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts. This...

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“Snatching Success From The Jaws of (Apparent) Defeat” - ReliAscent Featured Partner Blog (Part V)

The following blog is the fifth in a series of special guest and ReliAscent partner blogs, contributed by Richard Busch of the Busch Law Firm, and Mike Anderson, of ReliAscent. This series covers...

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DCAA Compliance White Papers


It's SBIR season again, and ReliAscent would like to remind contractors that the DoD 2018.1/A SBIR/STTR BAA closes on February 7th.

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“Requests for Equitable Adjustment – Essential in Government Contracting”


The following blog is the fourth in a series of special guest and ReliAscent partner blogs, contributed by Richard Busch of the Busch Law Firm, and Mike Anderson, of ReliAscent. This series covers...

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Request for equitable adjustment

Government Shutdown – Déjà vu All Over Again...

As of this writing, the U.S. is scheduled to shutdown at midnight, tonight. One of the first things you learn in government contracting is something called the Anti-Deficiency Act, first enacted in 1870,...

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“What Happened To My Profit?” - ReliAscent Featured Partner Blog (Part III)


The following blog is the third in a series of special guest and ReliAscent partner blogs, contributed by Richard Busch of the Busch Law Firm, and Mike Anderson, of ReliAscent. This series covers...

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DoD SBIR/STTR 2018.1/A Open For Proposal Submission Today!


ReliAscent would like to remind all contractors that you may now submit your Phase I proposals for the SBIR 18.1 and STTR 18.A Broad Agency Announcements (BAA) through the DOD SBIR/STTR proposal...

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ReliAscent Presenting at Colorado PTAC - "Cost & Pricing in Government Contracting"


ReliAscent CEO, Mike Anderson, will be presenting a seminar at the Westminster Office of the Colorado Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), on January 10, as part of their Expert Training...

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“Should We Do It?” - ReliAscent Featured Partner Blog (Part II)


The following blog is the second in a series of special guest and ReliAscent partner blogs, contributed by Richard Busch of the Busch Law Firm, and Mike Anderson, of ReliAscent. This series covers...

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New White Paper: Government Contract Management Part I - The RFP Review

ReliAscent is proud to announce the release of our latest white paper, written by ReliAscent Co-owner, and industry recognized governmentcontract expert, Russ Farmer.  This white paper is the first in a...

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“If You Are a Commercial Contractor, Please Consider This!” - ReliAscent Featured Partner Blog (Part I)


The following blog is the first in a series of special guest and ReliAscent partner blogs, contributed by Richard Busch of the Busch Law Firm, and Mike Anderson, of ReliAscent. This series will cover...

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Government Contract Reviews - Don't Get Lost in the Excitement!

It's October; DoD SBIR 2017.2 winners are being announced as we speak (check here for ARMY and NAVY winners/selectees), the government's FY just wrapped up, and the fall procurement rush is upon us, as...

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Preparing Government Contract Cost Proposals


As we mentioned last week, this is a busy time of year for contractors. The end of the Federal Government's FY is rapidly approaching, the DoD SBIR 2017.2 Solicitation opens one week from today, and...

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A Quick Guide to the DCAA Compliant Accounting System - SF 1408 White Paper


With the DoD SBIR 2017.2 awardee selections now being released, and the 2017.3/C SBIR/STTR Announcements opening in just two weeks (9/26/17), ReliAscent would like to remind all defense contractors and...

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SF 1408 Accounting Compliance DCAA

ReliAscent Presenting at California SBIR Road Tour


We are happy to announce that ReliAscent CEO, Mike Anderson, will be presenting at the UC San Diego Office of Innovation and Commercialization’s SBIR Road Tour California, on September 11th. Mike will be...

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ReliAscent Presenting at Colorado PTAC - "What Triggers the Requirements in Government Compliant Accounting Systems?"


ReliAscent would like to remind all government contractors and grantees in Colorado that registration closes shortly for next week’s PTAC Seminar on government contract accounting systems and DCAA audits.

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ReliAscent Presenting at Colorado PTAC - September 13th

ReliAscent, in partnership with the Colorado Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), is excited to announce our latest government contracting compliance seminar on September 13th:

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Fixed-Fee Clause Confusion


All cost-plus type contracts (other than construction contracts), will cite the FAR 52.216-8 fixed-fee clause. Its main purpose is to mandate that contracting officers withhold up to 15% of the total...

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Fixed Fee Clause Government Contracts

IP Protection Seminar with ReliAscent Partner, Martensen IP


ReliAscent partner, Martensen IP (a Colorado Springs-based IP protection and government contracting law firm), is hosting an event for contractors tomorrow, at the Catalyst Campus for Technology &...

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A survey of landmines that may await you, and an advantageous roadmap to guide you away from danger with sound pointers on how to protect your IP while operating in the government sphere.

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Martensen IP Law

New ReliAscent White Paper: "An Introduction to Indirect Rates"

ReliAscent is proud to announice the release our latest white paper: "An Introduction to Indirect Rates."

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Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct


Without getting too political, I thought it might be timely to review a FAR clause that appears in many Federal Contracts but probably doesn't get enough attention. Section 3 of the Federal Acquisition...

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Contract Cost Proposals - Setting Yourself Up For Success


In the world of government contracting, one of the most painful—yet easily preventable—mistakes contractors and grantees make, is making critical errors in the cost & pricing section of a proposal. While...

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ReliAscent Releases it's Latest White Paper: "Preparing a Government Contract Cost Proposal."


ReliAscent is happy to announce the release of our latest white paper: Preparing a Government Contract Cost Proposal.This white paper is the third in our monthly series on important government contract...

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Government Contracting 101 - Part 7: How does the government pay for my research?


There are several ways that the government can help fund your research. The first is through a direct need from the government and direct funding under a grant or contract written specifically for...

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government contracting

Government Contracting 101 - Part 6: Agency Differences in Unallowable Costs


In the world of Government contracting, the government defines an allowable cost as a cost that they will pay either in full (direct costs) or an allowable portion (allowable indirect costs) of that cost....

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Energy Secretary Rick Perry Halts DoE SBIR/STTR  2017 Ph I Selections Until Further Notice


The Department of Energy’s SBIR/STTR Programs Office just released an important notice to all 2017 DoE SBIR/STTR applicants, that is sure to disappoint a lot of people.

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Protecting Your Business with Government Contract Reviews

One of the most thrilling parts of being a small business government contractor, is being awarded a contract. You’ve poured your time, money, and possibly even a large portion of your professional life to...

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Government Contracting 101 - Part 5: How Does The Government Make You Pay Your Fair Share of Your Indirect Costs?


In a cost reimbursable job, we all know how the government will pay for direct labor and materials. In these awards, they also pay for a “fair share” of your overhead (or indirect costs). How does the...

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Government Contracting 101 - Part 4: What is the Role of Small Business in New Product Development?

Small businesses are the cornerstone of innovation in the US Government, and  Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 19 discusses Small Business Programs. It sets the size standards to be considered a...

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Do You Know When To Change a Contract? Or How?


Sometimes, we find that our clients (and government contractors in general), can get so focused on their direct work that contract management/administration is an afterthought. We also see this in...

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Government Contracting 101 - Part 3: Can Deferring Wages Get Me Into Trouble?


Let’s start with the definition of deferred wages – any arrangement where an employee receives wages after they have earned them.

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Special Guest Blog: "Staying up to date with Leave Policies" - Clockwise Timekeeping Software


The topic of leave is a prevailing trend regarding work-force policies. The momentum continues to build as we transition into a new administration and see changing laws and employee expectations. It is...

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Government Contracting 101 - Part 2: Who is the DCAA, and What is DCAA Compliance?


The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) was founded in 1965 under Robert McNamara, the Secretary of Defense from 1961 to 1968. Its function is to perform all contract audits for the Department of...

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Government Contracting 101 - Part 1

In this first of a 9-part series, ReliAscent's Brian Ormsby, introduces his "Government Contracting 101" blog series. Topics covered range from DCAA and DCMA compliance, to indirect rates, unallowable...

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ICE Season Approaches...

It’s that time of year again, and even though many small businesses are preparing for the chaos of tax season, ReliAscent would like to remind all Federal contractors that another important deadline will...

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Time Tracking for DCAA Compliance: Work Smarter, Not Harder, With Automated Time Tracking (TSheets Guest Blog)

ReliAscent is proud to feature another special guest blog from one of our valued Federal Contracting Industry partners, TSheets

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The following is a brief summary, written by our partners at Martesen IP (Jack Stuart and Michael Martensen), of the most important issues involved with protecting your copyrights when dealing with the...

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ReliAscent Partners with GHG (Clockwise)


ReliAscent is proud to announce that we have partnered with the DCAA compliant timekeeping software provider, GHG.  GHG recently rolled out their new DCAA compliant timekeeping product, "Clockwise," and...

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BBB: Beware of New QuickBooks Phishing Scam


To our Valued Clients and all Government Contractors & Grantees:

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2017 NASA SBIR Solicitation Closing Soon---2017.1/A DoD SBIR/STTR Opens!


ReliAscent would like to remind our clients and all small business contractors and grantees planning on submitting an SBIR/STTR proposal in NASA's 2017, and the DoD's 2017.1/A SBIR/STTR Solicitations,...

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Lockheed Releases 2017.1/A DoD & NASA SBIR/STTR Topics of Interest


ReliAscent would like to remind all small business contractors and grantees considering a proposal submission on the DoD's 2017.1/A SBIR/STTR Solicitation, or NASA's 2017 SBIR/STTR Solicitation, that both...

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SBIR/STTR Programs Reauthorized through 2022!


In case you hadn’t heard, some very big, very important news came out of Washington: Congress has reauthorized the SBIR & STTR programs for an additional five years. The current Reauthorization was...

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DoD SBIR/STTR 2017.1/A Topic Pre-Release


ReliAscent would like to remind all Small Business Contractors and Grantees that the Defense Department's 2017.1 SBIR & 2017.A STTR Broad Agency Announcements (Solicitations), Pre-Release is NOW Open (as...

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NSF SBIR/STTR Proposals Due Next Week


ReliAscent would like to remind small businesses planning on submitting a proposal in the latest NSF SBIR/STTR Solicitation, that proposals are due on December 6th. To view the complete list of topic...

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New Executive Order Mandating Sick Leave for Government Contractors


On September 7, 2016, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13706 which will mandate Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors in future procurements. Basically, the regulation will apply to all new...

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Shoud I be worried about the False Claims Act?


There were a couple of events this year that will impact Government Contractors in the future relative to the False Claims Act.  The False Claims Act (US Code, Title 31, Para 3729) is the regulation that...

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OASIS Reopens Solicitation – Government Looking to add 31 more multiple award contractors to the existing OASIS SB Pool 2


Earlier last month, GSA announced that they are re-opening a solicitation and looking to add more contractors/awardees. The “open season on-ramp” is specific to Pool 2 only. The original intent was to...

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New Book on SBIR is a Must Read


While the Nation Slept: The Struggle of Small Innovative Businesses in the U.S. (Mascot Books) spotlights the U.S. government’s efforts to assist small innovative businesses, particularly those engaged in...

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Can I use a PEO and still be a Small Business Government Contractor?


This question comes up from time to time both for small business set-aside procurements, and for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program. In both cases, there are questions about the number...

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DoD SBIR/STTR 2016.3 Open for Proposal Submission This Week

ReliAscent would like to remind all small business contractors and grantees considering a proposal submission on the DoD's 2016.3 SBIR/STTR Solicitation, that the DoD began accepting proposals this week.

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DFAS Changes Help Small Businesses


For as long as I’ve helped clients unravel their billing issues with the government, I’ve always been impressed with the service from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) help desk. Help desk...

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Government Contractor CFO's 101 (Part VII) - Cashflow Management II: Navigating the Government Payment System


CFO Cashflow Management - Part II

CFO’s in the government contracting environment will learn it’s no easy feat knowing how and when to get paid. These terms are spelled out in each contract or grant which...

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So You Think You're ITAR Compliant? Describe Your Program...


Russ Farmer, one of ReliAscent's co-founders, passed along a very interesting piece of news to me this morning, written by Jim Harris of the Holland & Knight Law Firm. It seems a California-based, small...

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DPAP Releases New Guidelines on Commercial Items for Defense Contractors


The Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy Department (DPAP), has just released a memorandum on "Guidance on Commercial Item Determinations and the Determination of Price Reasonableness for Commercial...

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When Can You Bill the Client for the Revised Final Actual Rates Each Year?


A visitor to our website posted an interesting question this morning on one of our "Ask A Question" / "Can't Find What You're Looking For?" forms (found throughout our website), and we wanted to share it...

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DoD 2016.3 SBIR/STTR Topics Pre-Release Tomorrow


ReliAscent would like to remind all Federal Contractors and Grantees that the 2016.3 DoD SBIR/STTR Topics will be pre-released tomorrow, August 26th. If your Small Business is planning on submitting a...

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SBIR/STTR Up for Reauthorization---Again!


It's hard to believe that we are doing this again (and as many of you recall, we recently wrote on the push in Washington to make the SBIR/STTR Programs permanent), but the programs are once again up for...

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The Benefits of Contract Accounting Services

In the world of government accounting having a compliant accounting system is critical. Small firms that are dealing the government and keep their accounting in-house spend far too much money in...

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ReliAscent Partners with Busch Law Firm LLC (Government Contract  & Procurement Law Specialists)


ReliAscent is proud to announce we have partnered with the Busch Law Firm, a firm focusing on Contractors, and specializing in Government Procurement and Contract Law. 

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DARPA SBIR/STTR Industry Day - Registration Opens Today!


ReliAscent would like to remind all SBIR/STTR contractors and grantees that The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), will be holding its annual Industry Day Meeting, in Arlington, VA, on...

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Government Contractor CFO's 101 (Part VI) - Risk Management II

CFO Risk Management– Part II

In our introduction to risk management, understanding the regulatory environment a firm finds itself in was a critical first step for any CFO. For a deeper understanding on...

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Special Guest Blog: "What Federal Awards Recipients Need to Know About Uniform Guidance/Program Specific Audits" - Barb Clausen, Clausen & Associates CPA


The Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), was officially implemented by the Council on...

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Government Contractor CFO's 101 (Part V) - Indirect Rates

Indirect Rates - "What's a Good Indirect Rate?"

CFO Forecasting – Part II

In a prior blog in our series on CFO's for Government Contractors, we emphasized the importance the CFO’s role in establishing job...

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