In the world of government contracting, a company's indirect rates are absolutely critical in managing costs effectively and ensuring the business remains profitable. However, your indirect rate structure is also one of the most important factors in your proposal when competing for a contract...and if you don't know HOW to properly manage your indirect rates—or, if you're not making strategic modifications to your rates at the right times—you may be setting yourself up for failure from the start.
If you don't know whether your rates are truly helping or hurting your business, now is the time to take advantage of ReliAscent's Free Indirect Rates Review. Our review provides contractors and grantees with sound, valuable advice about their indirect rate system & structure, can help them to understand and maintain DCAA compliance, and can help a small business use their rates as a financial engine to grow their company.
With just a little information about your company, our experts can complete your indirect rates review and schedule a call to discuss the path forward, should you need help fixing any errors detected.
Request your Free Review today!
*Don't Forget to Also Download our Helpful White Papers on Indirect Rates: