OASIS Reopens Solicitation – Government Looking to add 31 more multiple award contractors to the existing OASIS SB Pool 2

Earlier last month, GSA announced that they are re-opening a solicitation and looking to add more contractors/awardees. The “open season on-ramp” is specific to Pool 2 only. The original intent was to award 40 contractors in Pool 2; however, there are currently only 9 contract awardees in Pool 2. This action by GSA intends to add 31 more multiple award contractors to the existing OASIS SB Pool 2.

If you are not familiar with the GSA’s OASIS (One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services) procurement vehicle for small businesses, you may be asking yourself a couple of questions: 

  • What is an “on-ramp solicitation”?
  • What services and/or products is the Government looking for, specific to Pool 2?

To answer those questions:

  1. An “On-ramp solicitation” is not a new procurement and operates differently than a new solicitation. An on-ramp solicitation is a result of the provisions established in the original solicitation and is issued as a solicitation amendment to the original solicitation. The terms and conditions of the original solicitation require that "the award decision under the open season solicitation is based upon substantially the same evaluation factors/sub-factors as the original solicitation." Additionally, the terms and conditions of the original solicitation require that, "The terms and conditions of any resulting awards are materially identical to the existing version of the OASIS SB Pool." Accordingly, while the Government will entertain suggestions and Industry input regarding the on-ramp solicitation amendment, the Government anticipates very little change to result from this input, especially as it regards any potential changes to the evaluation factors, scoring methodology, or resulting terms and conditions.

   2. This solicitation/Pool 2 covers the following NAICS codes:

          541720 - Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities
          541211 - Offices of Certified Public Accountants
          541213 - Tax Preparation Services
          541214 - Payroll Services
          541219 - Other Accounting Services

This opportunity is a 100% Small Business Set-Aside, so if your company is interested or could be a potential vendor, you will want to look into this. To learn more about the solicitation and locate the original solicitation documents you must go to the original SOLICITATION NO. GS00Q-13-DR-0002 MODIFICATION 1 at FBO.GOV found here:


To download the original pre-solicitation notice (with further scope of work details): click here now.

For any questions you may have about the solicitation, please contact the OASIS SB Contracting Officer Valerie Bindel via email at oasisSB@gsa.gov.
