DoD SBIR/STTR 2017.3/C BAA Open for Proposal Submission

DoD SBIR STTR 2017.3/C

ReliAscent would like to remind all small business government contractors that the DOD SBIR 17.3 and STTR 17.C Broad Agency Announcements (BAA), are officially open for proposal submission today.  Contractors may now submit Phase I proposals through the DOD SBIR/STTR proposal submission website.


  • Sept 26, 2017: SBIR 17.3 and STTR 17.C open 
  • Oct 11, 2017: SITIS closes to new questions 
  • Oct 25, 2017: SBIR 17.3 and STTR 17.C close at 8:00 p.m. ET

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about DCAA and FAR compliance issues pertaining to DoD SBIR awards, please contact us at any time.

Good luck!

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