ReliAscent would like to remind all Small Businesses planning to submit a proposal for the NSF's SBIR/STTR 2019 Phase I solicitation, that the deadline to submit your applications is tomorrow, June 13th, at 5 PM (local time for each time zone).
Proposers are required to prepare and submit all proposals for this program solicitation through use of the NSF FastLane system. Detailed instructions regarding the technical aspects of proposal preparation and submission via FastLane are available at: For FastLane user support, call the FastLane Help Desk at 1-800-673-6188 or e-mail
Should you win a Ph I award, ReliAscent offers our NSF Ph I Foundations Package™ (complete with a compliant QuickBooks COA, timekeeping timesheets and instructions, accounting manual and more), as well as outsourced accounting services for Ph I and Ph II grantees, and CAP Review and Ph II Pricing Proposal Support services.
Contact ReliAscent today to learn more, and good luck!