Has your business been considering submitting a proposal for a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant or contract? Maybe you already have in the past, but have been wondering how they differ from a regular contract or grant, or what differences exist between agencies? What does it REALLY take to win one, and what does it REALLY take to manage one?
These, and many more important SBIR/STTR topics, will be covered in an insightful Colorado PTAC Seminar next week:
When: Wednesday, January 20th, 1 - 4 PM Mountain
Price: FREE
ReliAscent CEO, Mike Anderson, along with our partners and a number of local industry experts, will take part in the panel discussion and take questions from small businesses working with the Federal Government, or considering submitting an SBIR or STTR proposal in the future. We encourage you to register for the event, and look forward to seeing you there (virtually)!