Accounting Firms are a Dime a Dozen...

Between direct contract work, deadlines, compliance issues, and trying to stay afloat during a pandemic, contractors and grantees have enough on their plates just trying to keep the lights on. And sure, outsourcing certain functions can be an efficient way to save money and time (accounting is a prime example of this).  But, who you ultimately select to be a part of your team is more important than you realize.

Let's Face it: Accounting Firms are a Dime a Dozen

While many offer services to federal contractors & grantees, they lack critical skill sets and experience levels that your business needs, not only to maintain your accounting system but to ensure contract compliance, strategic growth, and profitability as well. 

That’s What Sets ReliAscent Apart From Everyone Else. 

ReliAscent is founded upon our 3 Pillar Approach to supporting our clients:

No other firm in the industry offers these services under one roof, and it is this combination of services, skill sets, and experience that allow you to focus solely on what you do best and grow your business.

To learn more about how ReliAscent can position your company for success, contact us today. 

