Outsourced Senior Management Services
Having one person make all the decisions can be trouble, even if the individual is very gifted. A differing opinion is always good to "test" the waters or to provide experience in areas where an individual may not have experience. Decisions that are checked by a small group of experts tend to be better decisions. ReliAscent can provide this additional "review" or check of decisions related to company strategy and/or growth. ReliAscent experts have been there and can relate to the small government contractor. In addition, an outsourced senior management individual from ReliAscent has access to a group of other experts at ReliAscent that makes their knowledge pool much deeper.
Often times startup and emerging high-tech businesses, especially those utilizing the SBIR programs for funding, are focused on technology development solely. This leaves little time to properly focus on other important aspects of the business. Hiring an outsourced CFO or other senior executive type can provide the business with more confidence of making sound business decisions that will help the company succeed and grow. On the other hand, if the founders or other key personnel do not have the skill, desire, or time to adequately manage major functions of the business, these positions can be outsourced to a company like ReliAscent as well.
ReliAscent provides outsourced CEO, CFO, and COO support to a number of emerging small businesses on an as needed and long-term basis. The effective use of outsourced senior management can enhance business success in an efficient and effective manner ultimately, leading to a well balanced and controlled company. Call us today to see how this can help your company.