ReliAscent Video Channel on YouTube
If you are like me, a picture is worth a thousand words, and a moving picture is worth a thousand pictures. I am visually oriented and I think many people in today’s world are the same way. Some of us come by this naturally and others may be conditioned to this by the exploding digital and media technologies. Regardless, it has never been easier to view a video on just about any topic you want. Heck, they even make video cameras small enough to strap to our heads to record risky and or spectacular feats that some of us might be enticed to perform. The bottom line is that our current culture likes to view video. It is not only a means of entertainment, it is also a way of learning that was not available in the past.
At ReliAscent we realize that people are very in tune with video. As a result, we have begun a campaign to create videos with relevant content to our market. We have videos covering multiple topics both on our website and on a designated ReliAscent YouTube channel. All of the ReliAscent videos are designed to be short and to the point. I had a college professor that said the brain can only absorb what the seat can tolerate. I don’t like to turn on an information video that is even 6 minutes long. I guess that our attention spans are growing shorter as a result of the media blitz of information. There are currently 13 different video’s on the Channel including:
- A Tale of 3 Contractors
- DCAA Compliant Timekeeping
- SF 1408 Preaward Audit Survey
- Unallowable and Allowable Costs
- Government Contracting Pros and Cons
- Incurred Cost Proposals
- DCAA – Compliant Software Review
- BID Proposal Pricing
- Federal Government-Compliant Accounting: A 30,000’ View
ReliAscent plans on continuing to add new videos to our libraries all the time. The topics will all relate to either accounting systems for government awardees (both contractors and grant winners) or to contract administration of government awards. I would highly recommend subscribing to the ReliAscent Channel on YouTube to be alerted when new videos are added. Certainly you can find them on the website as well but the YouTube channel subscription may be the best way to get notification when they are released.