DCMA vs. DCAA - ReliAscent Releases New White Paper

ReliAscent is happy to announce that we released our latest white paper yesterday on the differences between the DCMA and the DCAA.

This insightful piece, written by ReliAscent's very own Dave Donley, was downloaded by hundreds of contractors across the country, and is another in our series of DCMA-related white papers and blogs for 2016.  In case you did not get the email notification or download your copy, you can click the link below to get yours today:

Alphabet Soup: DCMA vs DCAA - Click Here Now

Summary: this white paper takes contractors through a brief summary of the responsibilities of both agencies, and investigates some of the new regulations put forth by the DoD. 

Why are these regulations important to Contractors?

...Because they focus on increasing the scrutiny of a contractor’s business systems with the DCMA and DCAA sharing the responsibilities. Many of these clauses were already applicable, but the new regulations make the practice of withholding payments mandatory for noncompliance.

We hope you find our latest white paper helpful, and please do pass it along to colleagues. And keep an eye out for more blogs, white papers and mini-webinars to come on the DCAA and DCMA!


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