There was a lot written about sequestration earlier this year, including a lot of panic that sequestration would all but shut down the government and our economy would crash. Well it seems that the...
There was a lot written about sequestration earlier this year, including a lot of panic that sequestration would all but shut down the government and our economy would crash. Well it seems that the...
The other day I talked about how there could be a lot of funding released in the next 3 months. I think there is some evidence already of this activity beginning. For instance, in the last week the US...
I have had several discussions recently with small businesses that are concerned with finding ways to fund their small business. Anyone that has started a business knows that certainly is one of the...
The FY2014 Federal Government Budget was released by the Executive Branch and sent to the Legislative branch on April 10, 2013. The budget proposal is 244 pages long. President Obama indicated that this...
Most of the core requirements for contracting with the Federal Government originate in the Federal Acquisition Regulations or FAR. These series of documents describe in great detail the how and the why...
This question may come up many times in a small business. It may start out even more basic as "Do I need an Accountant?". As you can see from the referenced article, there are many sound reasons to...