Earlier this week, ReliAscent® posted a guest blog from one of our partners on how SBIR/STTR awardees can minimize the impact of the R&D amortization requirement in IRS Section 174. However, there are...

Earlier this week, ReliAscent® posted a guest blog from one of our partners on how SBIR/STTR awardees can minimize the impact of the R&D amortization requirement in IRS Section 174. However, there are...
With the September and October 15 tax (extension) deadlines looming, now is a critical time for SBIR/STTR awardees to determine if their contracts are subject to IRS sections 41 and 174 (if they have not...
As readers of our blog and most small business government contractors likely know by now, the IRS proposed new guidelines for Section 174, the consequences of which will devastate our economy and stop...