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Obama takes aim at Government Contractors


Last year when the economy “tanked” many small businesses looked to the one customer that was still spending money, the Federal Government.

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SBIR/STTR Reauthorization, Part IV


To quote one of my favorite presidents: "Well, there you go again".  We all knew it would happen.There is too much in the news about Afghanistan, Health Insurance Reform, the Recession, the Economy, etc....

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Autonomous DCAA?

We are continuing to see more discussion about the DCAA and whether or not it should continue to function out of the Department of Defense or whether it should be it's own independent agency. One side...

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Colorado PTAC now open to provide government contract support!


The Colorado PTAC is now in operation. One of the last states to get a PTAC ( Procurement Technical Assistance Center ), the Colorado office is headquartered in Colorado Springs . However, the agreement...

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