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Happy New Year Government Contractors

The new year starts this week for the government.  Just like last year at this time, the budget is not yet approved for this fiscal year.  Instead, the House just approved yesterday a measure to operate...

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Federal Contracts: Quick-closeout procedure


In helping a client recently with some contract closures, it became quickly apparent that the DCAA was way behind in getting to the audit of the system to close out this contract. It became quickly...

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Government Contracting: 5 Strategies to Beat the Budget Crunch


The government plans to cut $2.4 Trillion from the budget over the next 10 years, beginning in the 2012 budget. It is expected that up to $900 Billion in cuts could be included in the 2012 budget. The...

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DCAA Cost Accounting Basics - Costs


Identifying and allocating costs on government jobs is a big part of the government's concern about the contractor's accounting systems.  The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) specify that "Before...

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National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) contracts


I was fortunate enough to be able to witness in person the final Space Shuttle launch last week. What a truly awesome sight and experience that is. I can't begin to describe the feelings associated with...

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Accounting System DCAA Adequacy


Over the years we have had many inquiries from government contractors about evaluating their accounting systems for adequacy before they actually undergo a DCAA audit. This actually makes sense in today's...

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Don't loose government contract business due to Qui Tam


Most people don't understand what qui tam is. Qui tam is a Latin phrase that means "he who brings a case on behalf of our lord the King, as well as for himself". In essence, this is the provision in the...

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